Russia Will Lose Its Political Satellites in the Balkans
Žurnal in English
REMEMBER THIS YEAR AND THE NEXT: Russia Will Lose Its Political Satellites in the Balkans
The fact that the European Union is aware of Russia's malign influence in the Balkans is evident from the statement made by Ondrej Kolar, a Czech representative in the European Parliament who will serve as the permanent rapporteur for Bosnia and Herzegovina for the next five years. In an interview with N1, Kolar stated that one of his objectives is to halt Russian actions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Milorad Dodik Wants to Play for Russia with Western Money
Žurnal in English
THE STRUGGLES OF PUTIN'S PET: Milorad Dodik Wants to Play for Russia with Western Money
Vladimir Putin, the "people's candidate", once again the president of the Russian Federation He previously eliminated serious opponents in various ways. Aleksandar Vučić and Milorad Dodik are happy with the election results, knowing that with Putin's victory they can continue to manipulate their voter base. And precisely at the moment when that base realizes that their faithful following does not contribute to the quality of life, on the contrary, it will be their political end.
Putin's plan for the Balkans – Part 2
Žurnal in English
Watch the movie: Putin's plan for the Balkans – Part 2
Watch the second out of four movies of Žurnal’s documentary series about the methods of Russian, and not only Russian, influence on Bosnia and Herzegovina and other Balkan countries
Putin's plan for the Balkans – Part 2 (trailer)
Žurnal in English
WE WILL RELEASE SECOND MOVIE OF THE DOCUMENTARY SERIES AT april 16.: Putin's plan for the Balkans – Part 2 (trailer)
Watch the second out of four movies of Žurnal’s documentary series about the methods of Russian, and not only Russian, influence on Bosnia and Herzegovina and other Balkan countries.
Putin’s plan for the Balkans
Žurnal in English
WATCH THE MOVIE: Putin’s plan for the Balkans
In the first part of the video series called "Putin's plan for the Balkans", we explain the general picture of the methods of influence of Russia and its satellites on this area. February 24. In 2022, Russia committed aggression against the population and territory of Ukraine. Are the Balkan countries Putin's next target?
Business affairs with Russian tycoons and fear of Putin’s revenge
Žurnal in English
HOW IS RUSSIA CONTROLLING MILORAD DODIK: Business affairs with Russian tycoons and fear of Putin’s revenge
Milorad Dodik knows that it is not advisable to betray Putin. However, the one who once betrayed those who had put him on the political scene in BiH in BiH, is capable of doing the same to the current “bosses”. So today, just in case, several “Despots” are standing guard in front of Dodik’s residence.
Putin's supporters in BiH did not disappear, they are just changing the tactics
RUSSIAN STRATEGY FOR THE BALKANS: Putin's supporters in BiH did not disappear, they are just changing the tactics
The question of all questions is how long can Russian influence on Bosnia and Herzegovina be preserved. Milorad Dodik wishes to maintain the status of an important Russian factor, so does Dragan Čović. The remaining part of the political arena believes that the influence of Russia will simply disappear and that the Europe and the USA will do everything they had missed to do in the previous years, “sleeping” while Dodik and Čović were “doing their thing”.
Dodik and Čović waving the Russian flag in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Žurnal in English
WHILE RUSSIA IS TRYING TO OCCUPY UKRAINE: Dodik and Čović waving the Russian flag in Bosnia and Herzegovina
For years, Žurnal has been systematically analyzing and warning about the methods of Russia's influence, not only in politics and economics, but also in other segments such as culture or education. It seems that finally many understand what we were talking about. Russia is waging war in BiH by other means.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a powder keg on the Balkans under the control of Russia
Dodik and Čović are continuing destruction of the country: Bosnia and Herzegovina is a powder keg on the Balkans under the control of Russia
Russia continues to support Milorad Dodik and his secessionist intentions, as it finds it quite convenient to keep the powder keg in the Balkans with the Russian pin in the lapel particularly due to the situation with Ukraine. It knows that he is no stranger to betraying his political mentors, but at this moment Russia is his only “safe house”...
Dodik is a mere pawn for the Kremlin, he is standing thanks to the oligarchs
Žurnal in English
GEOSTRATEGIC BATTLE FOR THE BALKANS: Dodik is a mere pawn for the Kremlin, he is standing thanks to the oligarchs
Milorad Dodik and Republika Srpska are just Russia's convenient tools for opposing the West. Dodik's political adventure called the return of state competencies to Republika Srpska serves to protect the promise he made to the Russian tycoons with whom he has much stronger ties than with the Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The role of Russia in a destructive offensive of Milorad Dodik
Žurnal in English
The masks have finally slipped: The role of Russia in a destructive offensive of Milorad Dodik
Russian Federation has entirely unveiled its role in this region by providing support to Milorad Dodik and Dragan Čović in the latest endeavors to destabilize Bosnia and Herzegovina. Of course, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, is doing a good portion of the “dirty work”. Essentially, Dodik, Čović and Vučić are mere marionettes to Russia that uses them to halt the NATO integration of BiH and its prosperity.
Russia and Serbia are entering BiH and appropriating its resources
Žurnal in English
Dodik wants to break away from the country: Russia and Serbia are entering BiH and appropriating its resources
Quite the opposite from what Milorad Dodik has been proclaiming and wishing for many years now is happening, for Republika Srpska to join Serbia. We are witnessing situation where Serbia, through this entity, is entering, conquering and appropriating both resources and the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. And where ever Serbia is, the ground is “well prepared” for Russia!
From Night Wolves to the icon
The year of lessening Russian influence: From Night Wolves to the icon
BiH entity Republika Srpska has over the past few years been treated as the Russian back-up strategic location. The president of the ruling SNSD, with the support of Russia, has been trying to block any attempt of Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the NATO Alliance and Euro-Atlantic integration.
Stolen icon and a debacle of professional Russophiles
THE YEAR OF LESSENING RUSSIAN INFLUENCE: Stolen icon and a debacle of professional Russophiles
Several events have marked 2020, and optimists assess them as an indication of the reduction of “Russia’s soft power” in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These events are the change of the Central Election Commission’s members and the resignation of the President of the HJPC, Milan Tegeltija, but above all the result of the United States presidential elections, where Joe Biden won. However, it is wrong to think that these were the reasons why Russia has renounced its influence in the local affairs
How Russia is exercising influence on the judicial system in BiH
THROUGH INTELLIGENCE SERVICES TO THE TARGET: How Russia is exercising influence on the judicial system in BiH
The institution that hosted the President of the HJPC Milan Tegeltija in Russia in 2018 and 2019, having “the interests of the citizens and the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina in mind”, has been unofficially registered as an aide of the Main Intelligence Administration of Russia (GRU)
Takeover of the energy sector and destruction of Aluminum
Russian oligarchs in BiH: Takeover of the energy sector and destruction of Aluminum
Žurnal reminds of Russia’s growing influence on local political and economic developments. How the Russian oligarchs tried to take over the energy sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Poslanici o minimalcu
Waterloo zubi
Iz Crvenog solitera (audio): Waterloo zubi
Kako tužilaštvo toleriše bezakonje građevinskih kartela u Zenici
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Američke sankcije za Naftnu industriju Srbije koja posluje i u BiH
ZBOG RUSKOG VLASNIŠTVA: Američke sankcije za Naftnu industriju Srbije koja posluje i u BiH
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IAKO NIJE VLASNIK: WDG prodaje posječeni materijal iz kruga Vitezita
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Police, Prosecutors, and Lawyers have been protecting a brutal abuser for years
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Potvrđena suspenzija bivšoj predsjednici Kantonalnog suda u Novom Travniku
Visoko sudsko i tužilačko vijeće BiH: Potvrđena suspenzija bivšoj predsjednici Kantonalnog suda u Novom Travniku
Organizacioni odbor kandidata za proširenje „crne liste“
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Vučićevi lojalisti, nova pretorijanska garda
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Šest uposlenica sprema tužbu za mobing protiv predsjednika suda
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Milioni maraka za odabrane firme
Pregled sedmice 28.12.2024. - 4.1.2025.
AUDIO ŽURNAL: Pregled sedmice 28.12.2024. - 4.1.2025.
Promatranje i pažljiva intervencija
AUTO KINO: Promatranje i pažljiva intervencija
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