Žurnal in English
PREMIER'S HOLY WAR: O unbelievers, do you believe in the honesty of Fadil Novalić?
If we lived in a society where strict Sharia laws applied, it is questionable whether the federal prime minister could shake hands with anyone.

"My Lord, forgive me, my parents, and those who enter my home as believers, and to the believers, both men and women, and only increase the destruction for the unbelievers!" wrote Fadil Novalić, the convicted Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who has been sentenced to four years in prison, but the verdict is not yet final, in his Facebook status.
It is hard to believe now that he was referring to believers according to religious principles. As much material as this man gives us for mockery, he is still the Prime Minister in one entity, in a secular state, even if it is Bosnia and Herzegovina.
No matter how much we expand the concept of "believer", Novalić seems clever enough, if not cunning, to joke about such serious matters. We all know how cruel Sharia law can be. If we lived in a non-secular system where strict Sharia laws were enforced, it is questionable whether the federal prime minister could shake hands with anyone. It's unlikely that he would risk so much. It's safer this way, a little bit of hiding, a little bit of judges issuing separate opinions, a little bit of blocking, a little bit of promising pension increases... and the people are content, and the hands are counted. Let's not even talk about God's justice.
It is likely that this is a modern dogma, a party interpretation of belief. It is more likely that he divides people into believers - those who believe that he didn't know that there was no logical connection between raspberry cultivation and procurement of respirators, and unbelievers - those who do not believe that Sebija Izetbegović did not use unusable respirators for treating patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, which could have been fatal for many of them.
Does this mean that the Court that convicted Fadil N, albeit not yet finally, to four years in prison, is an unbelieving court? Well, it should not be interpreted that way, because the court did not even question whether those respirators were used and potentially responsible for patients' deaths in Sebija B's zone of responsibility. It is more likely that the court cannot believe that Fadil N did not know that there was no logical connection between raspberry cultivation and the procurement of respirators. Probably because they could not find a connection between him and logic. Logical, isn't it?!
Fadil's world is divided into believers - those who believe in him and the SDA/DF coalition, and unbelievers, or those who believe in their own eyes and ears.
On one occasion, early in his long-standing career as prime minister, Novalić invited representatives of civil society to work together, as he said, in the fight against corruption. This was a few months after it was revealed that his daughter was employed in a public institution, outside of procedures, thus illegally!
When he invited them to participate in the "joint fight against corruption," he was told they could, but under the condition that he resigns!
At that moment, he seemed to have one of those religious apparitions. He couldn't believe that there were those who didn't believe in him. Visibly confused, in a trance, he asked why he should resign. When an attempt was made to explain to him how immoral it is for someone who tried to unlawfully employ his daughter in a public institution to talk about fighting corruption, his response was: "Come on, please, let's not grind ground grain!"
At that point, he probably realized that his eight-year term would pass in his efforts to bring the unbelievers back on the right path. To convince them that what is happening to them is just a period of transition. That corruption and crime by the authorities are fabrications, and those who believe in them just haven't "figured it out", as he says. That stories of abuse of power are continuous attempts by unbelievers to overthrow the state. Because unbelievers are not patriots, they believe more in their own eyes and ears. When unbelievers wait for months for a medical examination, they do not understand that this is nothing compared to eternity. When their companies, their rivers, and their money end up in the hands of party officials and close tycoons, true believers must believe in the miracles of transition, when "the people's" becomes "theirs". Miracles!
Troubles with unbelievers marked Novalić's mandate. When he was caught trying to sell a warehouse to a state-owned company that was under the management of the Government, of which he was the head, everyone believed it was shameless corruption. Only he knew the real truth. In the fact that his daughter was a co-owner of the company that owned that warehouse, which was being sold to the state-owned company BH Pošta, only unbelievers saw an attempt at theft. Those who believe, know that his daughter is not a co-owner of that warehouse, she is "just the holder of documentation (!?)".
When unbelievers from Žurnal wrote about how Novalić, together with his party colleagues, privatized the defence industry, a ring from a mortar grenade arrived at the editorial office. Interestingly, that part of the grenade was produced in his own company, and the sender was anonymous. Presumably, at that time he wished for the "unbelievers' downfall to increase", so he went on a tour of foreign embassies and donor organizations, seeking to cut off donations to Žurnal.
REMINDER FOR THE FORGETFULSanctioning of Novalić and Stanković without any reason
When the number of unbelievers increased, those who trusted their empty wallets more than Novalić's full promises, the Prime Minister decided to confront them. He used public funds and databases from the Pension and Disability Insurance/Mandatory Health Insurance to address the unbelievers and prove that their pensions were not small, but that they were spending too much. He sent a letter to every pensioner stating that just because their pensions couldn't cover basic needs didn't mean they couldn't be even smaller, but he would make an effort during the pre-election period to make them bigger. They just needed to continue trusting him and his party more than their own wallets.
Unfortunately for him, the unbelievers from the West used his publication to pensioners and put him on their blacklist for corruption.
A MINIATURE ABOUT FADILWhy wasn't he stopped in time!?
Less than a year later, in the midst of a pandemic, he tried to use our money to pay for overpriced, unusable ventilators. He damaged the country and endangered people's lives.
Finally, the consequences of his actions caught up with him, and the believer from the beginning of this text received a four-year prison sentence, pending appeal. While awaiting the appellate decision, he appears in religious gatherings, posts religious quotes on social media, and curses the unbelievers. He tries to present himself as a humble believer, a human being.
With believers like him, unbelievers can only hope that the ground grain will eventually be sifted!